No navigation in Onshape

I cannot navigate in Onshape

  1. Make sure you have the latest driver installed.
  2. Supported web browsers are Google Chrome (version 42 or later) or Firefox (version 39 or later). Microsoft Edge or Microsoft Internet Explorer are not supported.
  3. Verify if the 3DxNLServer is running:

    • Open the Task Manager by right-clicking the taskbar and selecting Task Manager.
    • Ensure „Processes“ tab is selected. Confirm „3DxNLServer (32 bit)“ is running.


    • Open the Activity Monitor either by searching fot it in the Spotlight, or navigating to Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor.
    • Search for „3Dx“ in Activity Monitor and confirm „3DxNLServer“ is running.
    • If you do not see the process 3DxNLServer we recommend to uninstall the driver and do a new installation.
  1. Open this link ( to get the version of the installed 3DxNLServer. It needs to be version1.x or higher.
  2. If the link above does not load you might have a firewall in place that is blocking it. See if you can disable the firewall or adapt the settings and retry.
  3. Next test this sample. See if you can navigate the pyramid in the sample.In case you still have problem please contact our Technical Support Team.
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